Statistics on public-private partnership contracts (concessions and authority-pays contracts) is accumulated in accordance with the provisions of Minister of Finance Order No. 1K-489 of 24 December 2009 on the Approval of the Rules for Submission of Information on Progress in Implementation of Public-Private Partnership Projects to the Ministry of Finance.

In total, 47 PPP contracts were implemented in the year 2019: 42 concessions and 5 authority-pays contracts, mainly in the areas of culture, sports, leisure facilities, equipment and other infrastructure, utilization, recycling and management of waste and energy, including heat and electric energy.

2 new PPP contracts were concluded and came into force in 2019.

In total until 1 January 2020 61  PPP contracts were concluded and EUR 189,9 million were invested, out of which EUR 13,58 million were invested in 2019.

Statistics of PPP contracts (until 1 January 2019):

For further information please contact:

  • State Assets Management Policy Division of the State Assets Management Department, phone: +370 5 239 0127.

Last updated: 12-11-2023