Non-governmental Organizations Fund
The overall objective of the NGO Fund is to promote civil society’s contribution to economic and social cohesion as important actors of development and participation, and to contribute to further development of NGOs sector in Lithuania.
Switzerland shall provide a Grant of maximum CHF 5’000’000 (five million Swiss Francs), to the Republic of Lithuania for the NGO Fund. Lithuania shall provide co-financing amounting to 15% of the NGO Fund (CHF 885‘000).
The Ministry of Finance as an Intermediary Institution of the NGO Fund has prepared the NGO Fund project outline according to the requirements of the donors. After the approval of the project outline in the Steering Committee on 18 February 2009, it was sent for approval to the donors.
The application for the PPF has been submitted by the Ministry of Finance to the donors along with the NGO Fund project outline.
The financing from the PPF shall be used to procure the services for preparing NGO sector feasibility study. The main purposes of the feasibility study are:
- detailed and comprehensive situation analysis of the NGO sector in Lithuania,
- identification of the main problems in the sector,
- formulation of recommendations on which means and focus areas should be taken as the priority for financing under the NGO Fund implemented under the Swiss – Lithuanian Cooperation Programme.
The information of the feasibility study will be used for the preparation of Final NGO Fund Project Proposal.
The tender for procurement of services for preparation of the feasibility study for the NGO block grant was launched on 26 August 2009. The service contract with the Social and Economic Development Centre signed on 25 November 2009.
On 19 May 2010 SEDC delivered the NGOs' Block Grant feasibility study under the Lithuanian-Swiss Cooperation Programme. The study can be find there.
The Final Project Proposal of the NGO Fund was submitted to Swiss authorities on 24 September 2010 and approved on 3 January 2011.
On 3 May 2011 the NGO Block Grant Agreement between the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation was signed.
Closed Call for Proposals
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) of our country were invited to show an active interest in the opportunities provided by the partnership with the Swiss non-governmental organizations as well as to prepare for initiation and joint implementation of sub-projects financed by the NGO Fund. The benefits of partnerships with donor countries are associated with the implementation of the direct objectives of the NGO Fund: to strengthen NGOs by developing their institutional capacities and to strengthen the cooperation between NGOs and municipal authorities.
Submission of proposals was launched on 2 December, 2011. Open call for proposals was closed on 15 December, 2011.
Total number of the submitted applications - 380. Total contribution amount requested in the submitted applications - LTL 79.929.086,63.
More details on the evaluation procedures of the submitted applications find here.