According to the Lithuanian-Swiss Cooperation programme approach, 3 programmes following the priority areas will be financed from the Swiss contribution.
Health sector programmes
The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania is responsible for the preparation and implementation of the following programmes:
- "Introduction of energy efficient technologies into the Lithuanian hospitals providing perinatal and neonatal health care services". For this programme the amount of CHF 26,6 million is provided from the Swiss contribution, while CHF 4,7 million is additionally provided as co-financing from the State budget of Lithuania.
- "Improvement of perinatal and neonatal health care services in Lithuania". For this programme the amount of CHF 19 million is provided from the Swiss contribution, while CHF 3,4 million is additionally provided as co-financing from the State budget of Lithuania.
For more information click here.
Research and development programme
The Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Lithuania is responsible for the preparation and implementation of the „Research and development" programme. For this programme the amount of CHF 9,052 million is provided from the Swiss contribution, while CHF 1,6 million is additionally provided as co-financing from the State budget of Lithuania.
For more information click here.