Research and Development
The overall aim of “Research and Development” Programme - to support Lithuanian research and development sector via its integration into the international research area.
“Research and Development” Programme objective- to support Lithuanian-Swiss research cooperation and to enhance the knowledge base in selected research and development topics via joint research projects and institutional partnerships.
Programme consist of 2 objectives:
- Objective 1 „Strengthening of administrative, management and analytical capacities in the system of research and higher education“;
- Objective 2 “Joint research projects and institutional partnerships”.
Programme budget: the amount of CHF 9,052 million is provided from the Swiss contribution, while CHF 1,6 million is additionally provided as co-financing from the State budget of Lithuania.
Implementation period: 2010-2016.
Implementation of the program carried out during the two types of projects:
- Joint research projects (nature sciences, environmental science and technology, and health / life sciences);
- Institutional partnerships (nature sciences, environmental science and technology, and health / life sciences).
In 25 September 2012 the Joint Selection Committee selected the project to be implemented. It was decided to fund:
- 4 projects worth 3,375 million CHF in environmental science and technology area;
- 4 projects with a total value of 3,699 million CHF in nature sciences area;
- 3 projects worth 2,658 million CHF in health / life sciences area.
Funded projects:
- Asymptotic Problems and Applications
- Swiss-Lithuanian Ferroelectrics: From controlled internal fields to energy harvesting / medical diagnostics / microelectronic applications
- Directed evolution of computer designed enzymes using droplet-based microfluidics
- Unique genome variants in congenital neurodevelopmental disorders: origin, genomic mechanisms, functional and clinical consequences
- Climate change in peatlands: Holocene record, recent trends and related impacts on biodiversity and sequestered carbon
- Scientific research and development of innovative evidence based non-invasive brain diagnostic and monitoring solutions for neurological and TBI patients
- Aerosol in Lithuania: Investigation of primary–secondary and regional–local contributions to particulate matter in the south-eastern Baltic region
- Genetic diabetes in Lithuania
- Signalling control of pathogen induced plant immunity
- Single-Cell-on-a-Chip Platform for Metabolite Sensing and Integrated Analysis
- Incidence of mycoviruses in epidemic and post-epidemic populations of the ash dieback pathogen Chalara fraxinea and evaluation of their potential for biological control of the disease
Resources for Institutional Partnership projects were allocated to one project "Training of family physicians of lifestyle counseling”. But given the fact that the co-operation agreement was not signed between the project promoter and the project partner within the time limit and the project promoter didn’t start the implementation of project activities, in 23 April 2013 this project was canceled by signing the agreement.
Authorities responsible for programme development and implementation in Lithuania:
- Ministry of Education (Interim Authority)
- Lithuanian Science Council (project manager)
- Ministry of Finance (National Focal Point)
- Central Project Management Agency (carry out the functions assigned to the program:maintenance contracts, funding eligibility issues, etc..).
More information about the programme can be found in Lithuanian Science Council website
Last updated: 12-11-2023