Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Fund (Sciex-NMSch) - the aim of this Fund is to develop the scientific capacities of the researchers in Lithuania and promote sustainable research partnerships between Lithuania and Switzerland. The Scholarship Fund is one of the Switzerland financial assistance measures which seek to contribute to the reduction of economic and social disparities.
The duration of programme is 2009-2016.
Global budget amounts to ca. 4 million Swiss Francs (about 8,8 mln. Lt).
The main goal of the programme is to establish scientific collaborations, which will:
- Develop individual researchers’ capacities (human capital);
- Foster scientific progress and innovation (scientific prospects); and
- Establish or enhance networks between researchers (networking).
This goal is to be achieved by three specific Programme objectives. Objectives 1 and 2 directly refer to the main programme instruments (research fellowships and short-term research visits), while objective 3 refers to the ‘downstream’ impact that the programme intends to achieve.
- Objective 1. Develop capacities. Junior researchers conduct research projects that allow them: to enhance their research skills; attain higher degrees; and proceed in their academic careers.
- Objective 2. Foster progress and innovation. Senior researchers of the NMS meet Swiss partners to conceptualise, design and steer research projects. In general, these projects will: provide room for junior researchers (objective 1); require the mentoring by the senior researchers; foster the exchange of know-how between all researchers involved; and may require the sharing of research infrastructure.
- Objective 3. Networks. Successful research collaborations lead to: sustainable research networks between researchers and research institutions; and enhanced collaborations in the future (follow-up or new projects).
Funding under this programme can be requested for research training placements for promising doctoral candidates (6 to 24 months) and PostDocs (6 to 18 months) as well as for their mentors (in a form of 3 short-term visits – 5 days each) with intention to intensify their cooperation and discuss joint research projects eye to eye. Applicants eligible for participation can be from the new member states and Switzerland itself.
The scholarship fund is directly administrated by the Rectors Conference of the Swiss Universities (CRUS) The institution responsible for the issues concerning the Scholarship Fund in Lithuania is the Research Council of Lithuania
- The first open call for proposals was launched on 1 January 2010, closed on 1 April 2010.16 applications were received, 6 of them were approved for financing (total amount 530 000 CHF).
- The second open call for proposals was launched on 3 January 2011, closed on 1 April 2011. 16 applications were received, 8 of them were approved for financing (total amount 557 000 CHF).
- The third open call for proposals was launched on 1 January 2012, closed on 1 April 2012. 13 applications were received, 5 of them were approved for financing (total amount 390 000 CHF).
- The fourth open call for proposals was launched on 2 January 2013, closed on 1 April 2013. 25 applications were received, 13 of them were approved for financing (total amount 938 250 CHF).
- The fifth open call for proposals was launched on 1 September 2013, closed on 1 December 2013. 13 applications were received, 7 of them were approved for financing (total amount 500 000 CHF).
- The last open call for proposals was launched on 2 January 2014, closed on 1 April 2014. 17 applications were received, now administrative assessment by the Research Council of Lithuania on-going.
For more information on the open calls please visit the Research Council of Lithuania and Rectors' Conference of the Swiss Universities (CRUS) websites.