
Minister of Finance makes official visit to Luxembourg

On 3-4 February, Minister of Finance Rimantas Šadžius will visit Luxembourg, where he will meet with the heads of EU financial institutions (EIB, EIF, ESM), the Minister of Finance of Luxembourg and the President of the European Court of Auditors. The meetings will focus on the priorities of the EU agenda and closer bilateral cooperation.

"The EU financial institutions, in particular the EIB and the ESM, play crucial roles in delivering on the EU's strategic priorities. Their role is even more important in the current geopolitical context, strengthening the EU’s resilience to challenges. We see room for further deepening bilateral cooperation with both the EIB and the EIF and the ESM in order to strengthen the capacities of the Lithuanian institutions. We will also discuss with the Minister of Finance of Luxembourg and representatives of the European Court of Auditors the possibilities for closer cooperation, especially on issues where our views or interests converge,” R. Šadžius said.

In Luxembourg, the Minister will meet with the President of the European Investment Bank (EIB), Nadia Calviño, to discuss possibilities to enhance the EIB's role in strengthening Europe's defence capabilities, providing financial support to Ukraine and promoting the green transition.

During the visit, the Minister will meet with representatives of the European Court of Auditors (ECA), including ECA President Tony Murphy, to discuss the ECA’s insights into the implementation of EU-funded programmes, in particular the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF).

The Minister will also meet with Minister of Finance of Luxembourg Gilles Roth to discuss the European Union's (EU) policy priorities, including the development of the Capital Markets Union (CMU), securing defence funding and support for Ukraine.

In Luxembourg, a bilateral meeting is scheduled with Pierre Gramegna, Managing Director of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), with whom the Minister will discuss the ESM's contribution to the resilience of the euro area.

The visit will also include a meeting of the Minister with Marjut Falkstedt, Director-General of the European Investment Fund (EIF).