Indicators2008Projection 2009-03-30
GDP growth, chain-linked volume growth, percentage  3,1-10,5-2,64,34,5
HCPI (average annual), Consumer price index, per cent11,15,4-0,7-1,20,1
HCPI (monthly annual inflation), Consumer price index, per cent8,51,2-1,2-0,50,6
Growth of average monthly gross earnings, previous period = 100120,695,695,099,7100,5
Average monthly gross earnings, LTL2174,02078,31974,41968,41978,0
Unemployment rate, per cent (according to labour force survey)5,813,515,411,511,5
Balance of goods and services, percentage share of GDP-11,4-4,2-3,4-3,1-3,3
Growth of consumption, chain-linked volume growth, percentage5,5-13,4-8,12,53,2
Growth of gross fixed capital formation, chain-linked volume growth, percentage-6,4-34,65,89,59,5
GDP at current prices growth, percentage13,6-10,0-7,22,83,9

ECONOMIC INDICATORS, current prices, LTL mill.
Indicators2008Projection 2009-03-30
Final consumption expenditure93952857877828379295
percentage share of GDP84,285,484,082,8
nominal growth, percentage15,5-8,7-8,71,3
Households consumption expenditure73387676176183163955
percentage share of GDP65,867,366,466,8
Government consumption expenditure20330179561625615142
percentage share of GDP18,217,917,415,8
NPI 1 consumption expenditure235214196198
percentage share of GDP0,20,20,20,2
Gross capital formation30258188051804419478
percentage share of GDP27,118,719,420,3
nominal growth, percentage1,0-37,9-4,07,9
Balance of trade65982586485776061761
percentage share of GDP59,258,462,064,5
Gross domestic product1115201004039318795770
nominal growth, percentage13,6-10,0-7,22,8
Gross domestic product, chain-linked volume80597721747031273315
chain-linked volume  growth, percentage3,1-10,5-2,64,3

1 - NPI – non-profit institutions

IndicatorsUnit of measure2008Projection 2009-03-30
Average monthly gross earningsLTL2174,02078,31974,41968,41978,0
Indices of the average monthly gross earnings, previous period = 100 120,695,695,099,7100,5
Annual fund for wages and salariesLTL mill.30324,726924,325063,524842,424945,4
Average annual number of employed, acc. to labour force surveyThous.1520,01411,71383,31375,31374,3
o/w: average annual conditional number of employees 1, acc. to labour force surveyThous.1162,41079,61057,81051,71051,0
Average annual number of economically active population, acc. to labour force survey Thous.1614,31632,11634,21553,91553,2
Average annual number of the unemployed, acc. to labour force surveyThous.94,3220,4251,0178,6179,0
Unemployment rate, acc. to labour force survey per cent5,813,515,411,511,5
Change of consumption goods and services price index
end of Decemberper cent8,51,2-1,2-0,50,6
average annualper cent11,15,4-0,7-1,20,1

1 - hired employees, regrouped into employed full-time.

Last updated: 12-11-2023