Norway, Island and Liechtenstein, with the purpose to reduce social and economic disparities in the European Economic Area (further - EEA), created EEA and Norway financial mechanisms. EEA Financial Mechanism is designed to support 15 countries (12 new European Union countries and Greece, Spain and Portugal). Norwegian Financial Mechanism is designed to support 12 new European Union countries.
The first EEA and Norwegian financial mechanisms period covered 2004 - 2009 years. During this period, Lithuania received 67.3 million Euros from the Norwegian and EEA financial mechanisms for supporting various projects in Lithuania. More information.
The second EEA and Norwegian financial mechanisms period covers 2009 - 2014 years. During this period, Lithuania will receive 84 million Euros from the Norwegian and EEA financial mechanisms for supporting various projects in Lithuania. More information.
In case you suspect any mismanagement or corruption, please share your concerns with us by e-mail [email protected] or with the Financial Mechanism Office