Internal Audit and Internal Control

This section contains information on public sector internal audit and financial control that are regulated by the Republic of Lithuania Law on Internal Control and Internal Audit No. IX-1253. The purpose of the Law is to establish the basic legal framework, objectives of the functioning of internal control, including financial control, in a public entity that manages, uses and disposes of state and municipal assets (hereinafter referred to as "the public legal entity") as well as the scope of competence of the head of a public entity in ensuring the functioning of internal control regulated by this Law. In accordance with the Law, internal audit is the part of the internal control system of a public legal entity which provides independent, objective examination, evaluation and consulting activities carried out by internal auditors with a view to improving the performance of the public legal entity. Financial control is the part of the internal control system of a public entity, the purpose of which is to ensure the legality of economic activities of a public legal entity and compliance with the principles of sound financial management, i. e. economy, effectiveness, efficiency and transparency. This section also contains information on the coordination of the EU assistance audits carried out by internal audit units of responsible ministries in accordance with Article 10 of Commission Regulation of 2 March 2001 (EC) No. 438/2001 and Article 9 of Commission Regulation of 29 July 2002 (EC) No. 1386/2002.

Last updated: 12-11-2023