Public and Private Partnership (PPP)

Lithuania face a constantly growing need for investments in public infrastructure and public services development and their quality improvement as many other states. However, limited public sector financial resources encourage it to look for the new tools and options in order to attract private capital investments. In accordance with international practice public and private partnerships (PPP) would be one of the options enabling private capital involvement in fulfillment of public needs. In a broad sense PPP could be defined as public and private sectors cooperation in implementing infrastructure projects or delivering public services.

The role of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania is supposed as strategic governance, general management and coordination of PPP the process, i.e.:

  • development of a proper legal basis, necessary for public private partnership using and promoting;
  • involvement in establishing and coordination of public-private partnership administrative system;
  • assessment of each particular PPP project (including concessions) financial schemes, financing possibilities and possible impact on state fiscal indicators, and presenting its conclusion or opinion with regard to this;
  • collection and analysis of the national and international partnerships process good practice, sharing and spread of experience.

For additional information please refer to:

  • Laima Kalinauskienė, Head of State Assets Management Policy Division, phone: +370 5 239 0127, e-mail: [email protected]
  • Rūta Muzikevičienė, Deputy Head of State Assets Management Policy Division, phone: +370 5 239 0183, e-mail: rut[email protected]

Last updated: 12-11-2023