Assistance from Switzerland
Lithuanian – Swiss Cooperation Programme
On the 27th of February 2006 the European Commission and the Swiss Confederation signed the Memorandum of Understanding, which set the Swiss contribution of 1 billion Swiss franks for the new 10 EU Member States over a period of five years. The financial support for Lithuania during this period will be 70.858.000 Swiss franks.
On the 20th of December 2007 the Swiss Confederation and Lithuania has signed the bilateral Framework Agreement on Lithuanian – Swiss Cooperation Programme. All Project Agreements has to be signed by 14 June 2012, and the Lithuanian – Swiss Cooperation Programme implemented by 14 June 2017.
On 5 March 2008 by the resolution No. 215 the Government of the Republic of Lithuania ratified Framework Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Lithuania and the Swiss Confederation Federal Council on the Implementation of the Lithuanian-Swiss Cooperation Programme to reduce economic and social disparities within the enlarged European Union. Framework Agreement came into force on 24 of May 2008.
The purpose of Framework Agreement according to which Lithuania shall receive Swiss financial assistance is to establish a framework of rules and procedures for the planning and implementation of the cooperation between the Parties.