Information for Primary Dealers
Only licenced credit institutions and financial brokerage companies that met requirements set by the Ministry of Finance for auction participants and have signed Government Securities (GS) Auction Participant Agreements with the Ministry of Finance are allowed to participate at the auctions.
Main responsibilities of an auction participant:
1. An auction participant shall submit competitive bids, corresponding to market conditions, for each GS auction and purchase at least 1% of all GS sold in auctions each quarter.
2. An auction participant shall, in at least one generally recognised and used information/trading system (e.g. NASDAQ, Bloomberg, Refinitiv), continuously announce bid and ask yields of all GS issues it has and the amount of GS purchased and sold at the indicated yields.
3. An auction participant shall provide the Ministry of Finance with the monthly reports on transactions in GS.
Other responsibilities of an auction participant are set in the Description of the Requirements for Participants of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania Securities Auction (current version as of 1 September 2021). Information on topics set in this description can be sumitted to [email protected].
Auction participants must provide the Ministry of Finance with the information on primary and secondary market trades executed during the previous month in the Harmonised Reporting Format as agreed by the EFC Sub-Committee on EU Sovereign Debt Markets. These reports are later consolidated into the Euro Market Activity Report (EMAR). The trades to be reported include Lithuanian GS denominated in euros. Reports on transactions in XML format are to be sent to [email protected].
Additional information (technical specifications of HRF and XSD file for HRF 2022 reporting) as well as the consolidated euro area dealer activity reports EMAR can be found here.
List of banks acting as primary dealers in at least 3 countries of the euro area (inclusive Denmark)