Credit rating is an indicator providing investors (creditors) with concise information on the level of the debtor’s capacity to discharge their financial obligations. A debtor may be assigned the ratings from those corresponding to the highest levels of security where the debtor‘s capacity to discharge their financial liabilities is extremely high to the ratings showing the failure by the debtor to discharge any financial obligations.

Solicited credit ratings for central government debt

At the moment, the Government has solicited credit ratings assiged by the following credit rating agencies:

AgencyLong-term rating OutlookShort-term ratingCalendar dates for credit rating announcements in 2025
Moody's Investors ServiceA2stable 11 April and 10 October
S&P Global RatingsAstableA-130 May and 28 November
Fitch RatingsAstableF1+2 May and 24 October

Unsolicited credit ratings for central government debt

In addition, some credit rating agencies provide unsolicited ratings.

AgencyLong-term ratingOutlook/TrendCalendar dates for credit rating announcements in 2025
DBRS MorninstarA (high)stable11 April and 10 October
Scope RatingsApositive 

Last updated: 27-12-2024